Requests For Individuals

NPO Lights On Children is asking for your donation to fund our activities.
Currently our volunteer recruitment is not open to the public.
You can also support us by sharing stories about our activities on social media or by word of mouth.
See below for details.

In case you have an interest in having a “Seminar In Your Office” in your workplace, please contact us.

Donate To NPO Lights On Children

Lights On Children is an NPO (特定非営利活動法人) in Japan and its activities are funded by your kind donations ( see our financial statements).
Your donation would be used to run our organization and all the projects with deep appreciation. If you wish to donate to a specific project, please contact us beforehand.

Donate With Credit Card

(VISA・MASTER accepted. Powered by ROBOT PAYMENT)

Donate Once

Type in any amount of money (500 JPY or more) and donate.
By pressing the “submit” button you agree to the note* below and our privacy policy.
Currency unit is JPY(円).


Donate Monthly

Select the amount of money you are going to donate monthly. Monthly donation will continue unless you opt out by Email.
By pressing the “submit” button you agree to the note* below and our privacy policy.
The currency unit is JPY(円).


* Please fill in the donor’s name and address in the next page if possible. The purpose of such acquisition of personal information is to enter this personal information into our donors list (寄付者名簿) and turn it in to the competent authority (Tokyo Metropolitan Government) as part of Lights On Children’s application for the Nintei NPO (認定NPO) certificate. The donors list will not be disclosed to any third-party unrelated to the application procedure. For more on this, see the web page by Cabinet Office (CAO), Government Of Japan (in Japanese only). See our privacy policy

Donate through bank transfer

When you make a donation through bank transfer, please make sure to add “donation” or “キフ” before the name of the transfer requester (your name). You can make a donation anonymously by inputting “donation anonymous” or the like as the transfer requester’s name.
By making a bank transfer to us you agree to the note* below and our privacy policy.

* Please note that Lights On Children may make an inquiry about the donor’s name and address to the financial institution, even when the donation was made anonymously. The purpose of such acquisition of personal information is to entry these personal information into our donors list (寄付者名簿) and turn it in to the competent authority (Tokyo Metropolitan Government) as part of Lights On Children’s application for the Nintei NPO (認定NPO) certificate. The donors list will not be disclosed to any third-party unrelated to the application procedure. For more on this, see the web page by Cabinet Office (CAO), Government Of Japan (in Japanese only). See our privacy policy

As of July 2022, Lights On Children does not have a Nintei(認定) certificate from the local government, so you cannot receive a tax deduction on your donation (認定NPO法人等寄附金特別控除) under the Japanese law. For more on this, see the web page by Cabinet Office (CAO), Government Of Japan (only in Japanese).

Share Our Story

You can help us by sharing stories about our activities and about social care on social media or by word of mouth.
Lights On Children’s activities are supported by your understandings and cooperation.
The more people get aware of the issue, the larger the base of our activities become.

For offers of possible cooperation or inquiries, contact Lights On Children.

Open Contact Form

Contact Lights On Children:
Lights On Children (特定非営利活動法人ライツオン・チルドレン)
Maia Shibuya Sakuragaoka #201, 30-12 Sakuragaoka-cho, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo, Japan. 150-0031